An intro to the Scala Presentation Compiler

"Completions are powered by the presentation compiler". I remember the first time I read this phrase. As someone that was fairly new to Scala, new to working in tooling, and had never touched the internals of a compiler before, this phrase made absolutely no sense to me. I had no idea what the presentation compiler was, where it was located, and definitely no idea of how to use it. To be honest, I was also a bit afraid to even ask those questions. Often when we see phrases like "it's simple" or "it's easy", it really just means "I'm familiar with this".

A lot of topics in tooling seem to be less covered than those of hot libraries or general programming paradigms, which totally makes sense. There is a much smaller group of people working in this area. However, it does then make it a bit harder to get started. Thankfully, the Scala tooling ecosystem is packed full of friendly helpful people that have always been more than helpful whenever I've gotten stuck or had no clue where to start with something. Plus a lot of the Scala documentation is incredibly useful and underappreciated. Like this page on Trees, which will be relevant for what I show down below.

The goal for this post is so that hopefully when someone in the future hears a phrase about the presentation compiler and has no idea what it is, this can serve as an introduction to what it is, where to find it, and as an example of how to use it. When I first started searching around for these answers I came across a few useful sources that I'll reference since they helped me:

What is the presentation compiler

The above mentioned post by the Scala IDE teams defines the presentation compiler as follows:

The Scala IDE for Eclipse uses the Scala Presentation Compiler, a faster asynchronous version of the Scala Compiler. The presentation compiler only runs the phases up until and including the typer phase, that is, the first 4 of the 27 scala compilation phases.

This is a really great minimal explanation of what the Scala Presentation Compiler is. It's specifically made for usage from IDE-like tools that need a compiler that is:

Martin Odersky actually explains this a bit way back in 2011 when giving a talk about what's coming in Scala 2.10. You may also be wondering where this thing is in the Scala code base.

Also keep in mind that the compiler internals are completely different between 2 and 3, meaning that the presentation compiler API is completely different. So for tooling that interfaces with the presentation compiler, they'll need to account for this. For example that's why in the Metals mtags module, which is a module to abstract over compiler access, you'll see that Scala 3 has a completely different implementation.

What uses the presentation compiler

If you haven't already gotten this from looking at where these articles are coming from, you'll notice that many of the IDE-like tools or tools that provide IDE-like features in the Scala Ecosystem use or have used the Scala Presentation Compiler.

You may have noticed that IntelliJ is missing from that list. That's because IntelliJ actually uses its own implementation of the Scala Presentation Compiler. That's why it's possible to see subtle differences with diagnostics showing in IntelliJ that don't show when compiling with the actual Scala compiler.

Many of these projects use the presentation compiler to accomplish very similar goals, and that is to provide the common features that you'd expect from an editor. One of those common features is completions. For example you can see a lot of the functionality for this in the aptly named Completion.scala file in the Scala 3 codebase. The presentation compiler can do the majority of the things you'd expect to see in an editor like, get the hover information on a symbol, find the references of a symbol, or go to the definition site of a symbol. A really nice example of all this can be found in the DottyLanguageServer.scala, which was an embedded LSP server for Scala 3 as the team was developing Dotty. The presentation compiler can be used for a whole variety of things, and I'll give a very specific example of a minimal feature that was just added to Metals in 0.10.5 down below.

A minimal example of using the presentation compiler

One thing I've found in the past is that there isn't a lot of standalone examples out there of using the presentation compiler. It's not that surprising, since why would there be, but recently while working on a new feature for Metals, I thought it was a perfect small example of how the presentation compiler could be used to implement an editor feature that is maybe a little less common than the text-book examples of completions, definitions, or references. If you'd like to follow along or play with the code I'm about to show, there are examples for both Scala 2 and 3 located here. In the examples down below we'll focus on Scala 3.

The feature I wanted to implement in Metals was the LSP textDocument/selectionRange. This feature allows you to more intelligently expand a selection. This is a useful feature when you maybe want to quickly select everything inside of a parameter, select an entire method, or really just anything one level above where you are. Here is a quick gif showing what I mean:

selection range example

If you were to look at the LSP communication for this request, you'd see the response from the server would look something like this for the above example:

[Trace - 00:07:29 AM] Sending response 'textDocument/selectionRange - (70)'. Processing request took 8ms
Result: [
    "range": {
      "start": {
        "line": 2,
        "character": 14
      "end": {
        "line": 2,
        "character": 28
    "parent": {
      "range": {
        "start": {
          "line": 2,
          "character": 6
        "end": {
          "line": 2,
          "character": 29
      "parent": {
        "range": {
          "start": {
            "line": 1,
            "character": 2
          "end": {
            "line": 2,
            "character": 29
        "parent": {
          "range": {
            "start": {
              "line": 0,
              "character": 0
            "end": {
              "line": 2,
              "character": 29

Let's see how we can come up with these ranges using the presentation compiler.

We'll start with the very basic piece of code you saw in the gif. We can either read this in from a file, or just store it as a string. For now just storing it in a string is easiest, so we'll do that.

val ourScalaCode = """|object Main:
                      |  @main def hello: Unit =
                      |    println("Hello world!")

I'll use Coursier to fetch the actual scala3-library to pass in when I create an instance of the InteracativeDriver. If you don't do this dotc (dotty compiler) will yell at you to ensure that the compiler core libraries are on the classpath. So we fetch them, and then we create the InteracativeDriver aka the Scala 3 presentation compiler like so:

val fetch = Fetch.create()

  Dependency.of("org.scala-lang", "scala3-library_3", "3.0.0")

val extraLibraries = fetch

val driver = new InteractiveDriver(

Keep in mind that this is meant to be a very minimal example with everything in one place. Everything that we're doing is living in the same file and is only around 80 lines of code. So if this was a real world project we'd care a little more about where and how we are managing this driver, how we are setting up the context etc. For now, we're just creating it for a single run, so we'll literally keep it as simple as possible.

Next we'll take ourScalaCode from up above and create a virtual source file out of it. We'll then take it and then run it. We can also verify here that everything is valid with our code. For example we can assert that the run hasn't returned any diagnostics.

val filename = "Example.scala"
val uri ="file:///$filename")

val sourceFile = SourceFile.virtual(filename, ourScalaCode)

val diagnostics =


At this point, we already have everything we need to dive into the compiler tree for the code that has just ran. We an access the entire untyped tree by doing the following:

val tree: Option[Tree[Untyped]] =

Instead, remember we are trying to get the selection ranges starting at a given point in this code. So we'll pretend that the cursor is in the current position (the char surrounded by <<>>) when we are going to trigger the expand selection of the textDocument/selectionRange feature.

object Main:
  @main def hello: Unit =
    println("H<<e>>llo world!")

The offset for this position should be 55. So we'll create this position to use in a bit. For some of the future calls we are about to make we'll also need a context provided, so you'll also see that given. Often in the examples you'll see this done a bit different depending on how the context is created. Lots of times you'll start with your own fresh context and build it up to be what you want. This can be doing things like setting the classpath as we did in our example or setting the output to new VirtualDirectory("(memory)") so any generated classfiles don't actually get physically stored anywhere. There are a whole bunch of settings, but again, we're keeping it as simple as possible. I'll share this code snippet and then we'll dissect exactly what's going on.

val pos: SourcePosition = new SourcePosition(sourceFile, Spans.Span(55))

given ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx

val trees: List[] =
  Interactive.pathTo(driver.openedTrees(uri), pos)

Firstly, the driver.openedTrees(uri) does a lookup and returns the full top level trees that were discovered in the file during the run. The pathTo method is an extremely useful method that returns the reverse path to the node in the tree that has the closest enclosing position on the given position. This list of trees is exactly what we are looking for to create our selection ranges. Note that this actual returns a typed tree. We don't actually need a typed tree for this, and if you look at the Scala 2 example, we do this same thing, but with an untyped tree. In Metals currently it's done this way mainly due to how easy it is, but it will probably change in the future work on an untyped tree.

Now that we have the trees we need, we'll map over them to collect the start and end positions of the trees, and then only take the unique ones. There are situations where multiple nodes may have the same range, but we discard any duplicates.

If you're curious about the duplicates, here is a minimal example. Given a small for comprehension like this:

 val total = for {
   a <- Some(1)
 } yield a

The AST for this would have multiple nodes that have the exact same range. Here are two different ones that have the exact same range.

// The range for this one
Apply(Ident(Some), List(Literal(Constant(1))))
// Is the exact same range as this one
Select(Apply(Ident(Some), List(Literal(Constant(1)))), map)

If the above looks foreign to you, the Reflection Overview Page in the docs is a great place to look.

So, once we have these positions, we'll zip them up with their index and print out the code snippets that correspond with the "ranges".

val ranges = { tree =>
  (tree.sourcePos.start, tree.sourcePos.end)

  .foreach { case ((start, end), index) =>
    val selection = ourScalaCode.slice(start, end)
      .copy(colorLiteral = fansi.Color.Blue)
      .pprintln(s"Selection Range: ${index + 1}")

And finally, we should have the selections that we've been working at getting! If you watch the gif up above again you should see selection ranges correspond starting at the smallest enclosing node going all the way up the tree until you have the entire source file covered.

"Selection Range: 1"
"\"Hello world!\""

"Selection Range: 2"
"println(\"Hello world!\")"

"Selection Range: 3"
"""@main def hello: Unit =
    println("Hello world!")"""

"Selection Range: 4"
"""object Main:
  @main def hello: Unit =
    println("Hello world!")"""


Hopefully this helps give a somewhat clear picture of a real-world use case of the presentation compiler. If you curious about more complex examples of how this would be set up in a project, or how presentation compiler features could be used in real applications, I'll drop a few links down below of places in code to dig through. As always, if you're interested in getting involved in Scala tooling but are unsure where to start, don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks for stopping by.

Some code to dig through